BGV - Basket Grandi Valli / Verona, Italy

"Basketball as a family."

Sport, as we all know, has always united people; for this reason, when the opportunity arose to devise a #Branding strategy for the historic sports club Basket Grandi Valli, we immediately gave shape to some suggestions!

The approach devised by the G-Design® Team for #GraphicDesign is rooted in a 'college' aspect precisely to combine the themes of growth, training and belonging to a group by declining them into a visual identity.

To strengthen the club's communication, a wide-ranging #ContentStrategy was studied and planned on the major social media, coordinating it with merchandise material and both sporting and social events in which players and club took part.

A three hundred and sixty-degree communication project that was able to enthuse the public and unite the community around a group solidly made up of social esports values.

These are the areas in which we have acted!




graphic design


content strategy

Browse other G-Design® case histories!

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Work with our sound!

All credits to the owners
where mentioned.